Blog Posts about life
If no one is critical of what you're doing - are you busy with something meaningful?

Jan 12, 2023
Let's be honest. Critical people suck. It sucks to be around them. It sucks to be them. They probably don't even like themselves.
Surround yourself with clay-makers, change-makers and lie-breakers.

Dec 14, 2022
What is the secret ingredient to incredible growth while facing insurmountable adversity?
Increase your surface area for luck by saying YES more often

Nov 18, 2022
Saying yes to something that doesn't obviously benefit you might seem like a bad idea. But opportunities compound and one simple act could lead to another, which leads to another. If you didn't say YES to the opportunity, you would have said NO to all the opportunities that followed by default.
Dare to fail, or risk leading a mediocre life!

Nov 5, 2022
If you fail - at least fail while daring greatly, so that your place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.
Is there a secret sauce to achieve job happiness?

Jul 25, 2022
If you are running a company or a team, you need to be thinking about creating an environment where employees can thrive and maybe help them change their perspective. Happy employees are productive employees.
Short Workout > No Workout

Jun 27, 2022
Spending less than 3% of your day exercising can have a profound effect on the other 97% of your day. The point is not what you do each day, but that you actually do something each day.